A dramatic and colorful promotional map for Iran, not long after the U.S. intervention to install the Shah, and deny the elected candidate that Eisenhower feared might be sympathetic to communism... and because of the abundant Iranian oil that the U.S. wanted as a guaranteed resource. Indeed while the map shows the roads, towns, regional borders and major drainages, the only other noted symbols are for oil pipelines, and the many oil fields of the west and southwest part of the country.

Mapmaker: Woodhaven Press

(Iran) (Iran - Persia)

c. 1955

  • Iran
  • Iranian
  • oil & gas
  • Persia
  • (Iran) (Iran), Woodhave Press, c. 1955
    A dramatic and colorful promotional map for Iran, not long after the U.S. intervention to install the Shah, and deny the elected candidate that Eisenhower feared might be sympathetic to communism... and because of the abundant Iranian oil that the U.S. wanted as a guaranteed resource. Indeed while the map shows the roads, towns, regional borders and major drainages, the only other noted symbols are for oil pipelines, and the many oil fields of the west and southwest part of the country. Includes numerous notations for history and local character. Interestingly on the verso of the map is wealth of statistics and information for the nation, several photos, including one of a young Shah shaking hands with President Eisenhower. Condition is very good. Overall size is 21.25 x 27.25 (inches)